pregnancy week 28
This is it, the last stretch! My third trimester has begun and I’m getting closer to holding my new-born baby: it's an exciting time. As well as looking forward to the birth, I also feel a little nervous about it: that's perfectly normal for new mums.
week 28

In just 12 weeks' time I'll be with my new-born baby. I’m busy nesting and preparing which will make me feel more relaxed when I bring my little one home. Here are the pregnancy symptoms for week 28:
- I feel a little overwhelmed by it all
- I talk to other mums and mums-to-be for advice
- I start to research baby gear & equipment.
me at week 28
Having a baby is one of the biggest life changing experiences anyone can go through, so I’m feeling a few nerves along with the excitement. My doctor answered all my questions at my antenatal appointments, but talking to mums who have gone through it all or meeting up with other mums-to-be can really help.
my baby at week 28
My baby still needs to put on quite a bit of weight before they’re born. At 28 weeks, they are around 38cm long and will weigh around 1kg, the same as a bag of sugar.
Now my baby knows which way up they are, because the sense of balance in their ears has developed. Their eyelids, complete with eyelashes, have fluttered open and they can focus their eyes.
They also blink rapidly sometimes, which means they're in the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep: my baby's dreaming! My baby's heartbeat is strong enough to be picked up by a stethoscope now.
things to do
I was looking at all the baby equipment available before deciding on what I want and need, but the Mothercare online store made my shopping experience way more comfortable and enjoyable. I was able to buy a pushchair, cot and car seat, which all came in fantastic designs and suited my chosen lifestyle.