pregnancy week 5
Pregnancy is starting to feel more real as my baby makes their presence felt. Hormonal changes in my body have brought about common pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester, such as nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. These annoyances are just temporary side effects of my amazing body making a new person. Keep up the good work!
weeks 5

These early weeks have been tough. Fortunately, most early-stage symptoms will disappear as the pregnancy goes on. Some of the symptoms I have been experiencing are:
- Nausea – eating smaller portions more frequently can help with this
- Mood swings, which are normal – don't give yourself a hard time
- Feeling sluggish - staying hydrated helps
me at week 5
Physically, I haven’t changed at all, and I won’t look pregnant for a while. It can be tricky keeping pregnancy symptoms a secret from my friends and colleagues though. I’m feeling pretty exhausted, so it’s hard to be my usual self. Some mums-to-be avoid announcing their pregnancy until the 12-week scan, but I may want to tell close family members and a few friends the good news sooner. This way they can start giving me the support I need (and will understand why I may be crying, eating a lot, being sick, or falling asleep at my desk).
my baby at week 5
My baby has a growth spurt around week 5, and is about 5mm long. They still look like a tadpole rather than a baby, but inside, tiny little organs are starting to develop. The kidneys, liver, intestines, and appendix are all growing, as is the neural tube, which connects the spinal cord and brain. My baby’s heart is already divided into chambers and getting ready for its first heartbeat. Tiny nubs are developing, which will eventually become limbs, and there are small folds which one day will be my baby’s neck and jaw. That’s a very busy little tadpole!
things to do in week 5
I’ve been eating a lot recently, but it’s time to start planning a healthy pregnancy diet. A balanced diet including fruits and vegetables, starchy foods, protein and dairy is ideal. I have also been advised to take certain pregnancy supplements (for example folic acid, Vitamin D and iron). Eating for two is (sadly) a myth but the occasional treat is OK. There are a few foods to avoid during pregnancy, as they contain potentially harmful bacteria, chemicals, or parasites. These include: mould-ripened cheeses, raw or undercooked meat, raw eggs, cured meat, certain types of fish, and liver. Caffeine is also best avoided or limited to one cup per day.