pregnancy week 9
My clothes are getting tighter, and I’m definitely in need of new bras... Pregnancy is starting to become business-as-usual, as my amazing body expertly adapts to the job of growing a new baby. The baby is now being nourished by my placenta, and is growing away happily.
week 9

Oh, it’s exciting now I can really notice my body changing! Here’s some of the pregnancy symptoms and what’s happening in week 9:
- Nausea is still a thing but it should fade soon
- You’re feeling mighty busty and might need a bra fitting
me at week 9
I’m still having those first trimester pregnancy symptoms. Whoever named it ‘morning sickness’ clearly never had to deal with it - feelings of nausea can creep up at any time of day. Even if I’m never actually sick, I often feel like I might be, and I’m probably still having extreme reactions to certain smells. The good news is that now I’m into my third month, the sickness should start to ease off soon. The tiredness will also pass until towards the end of my pregnancy. Knowing that these symptoms are on the way out can help to keep me going!
my baby at week 9
My baby measures about 2.3cm long and is getting increasingly baby-like. Their fingers and toes are proper little digits now rather than being webbed, and they have joints at the ankles, wrists, and elbows. My baby’s chromosomes established their sex right from the beginning, and now their genitals have begun to form. My baby’s basic body shape and organs are all in place, and they’ll now concentrate on fine-tuning these, as well as piling on the weight. My placenta is doing all sorts – producing hormones, providing my baby with nutrients, and getting rid of their waste.